The Cleaning Services Group has more than 15 years of office cleaning experience, working with multinational companies as well as smaller independent businesses.
The importance of commercial office cleaning
Did you know that:
- The average employee loses nine working days a year to sickness, some of which may be attributed to a lack of workplace hygiene.
- A typical office keyboard can carry up to 7,500 bacteria at any given time.
- Viruses such as the flu can linger on unclean surfaces such as work desks or electronic equipment for 24 hours.
- 60% of absences from work illnesses are contracted from dirty equipment in the office such as e-coli, staph and bacteria.
- With 65% of office workers sharing phones and computers, and with a whopping 25,127 germs per square inch found on just a telephone, employers need to take cleanliness seriously.
How clean offices can help workplace productivity
- Increased focus: In a clean working environment, you are less likely to be distracted by cluttered objects, and that greater level of concentration leads to more and better work being done.
- Less time wasted: A lot of time can be squandered when searching for documents in a messy workspace. In cleaner, well-organised offices, paperwork can be tracked down easily and quickly.
- Less stress: A cluttered desk can result in you trying to focus on too many things at once, which lowers your stress threshold.
- Greater profitability: Instead of wasting time looking for documents, workers in a clean office get more work done, which helps with profitability in the long-term.
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